Contact Us

Dear Users,
As our valued customer, we would like to continue sending you information from time to time by telephone, call, fax, post and e-mail regarding our latest training programmes.

At Trade Quest Management, we respect your privacy and we assure you that your personal data will be kept securely according to The Personal Data Protection Act ("PDPA").

If you do not want to receive the updates, please do respond to us by 15 February 2014.
You can opt out from the distribution list at time you prefer.
If we do not hear from you by then, it will be taken as an acknowledgement as consent from you.
Should you require more details about the data protection policy at Trade Quest Management, please contact us.

We thank you for your continued support and we look forward to serving you again.

Kind Regards
Trade Quest Management

HDRF Certified Training Partner

Events Photo

Our Training Approach

  • * To give and receive constructive feedback
  • * To raise individual awareness of their
  • * To recognize development needs
  • * To facilitate individual and group learning
  • * To identify applications of benefit to both
       business and individual

Contact Us

For further enquiry, please contact us thru : -

Address: No. 19A, Jalan Kundang 1,
                        Taman Bukit Pasir, 83000
                        Batu Pahat, Johor , Malaysia
Branch: Level 1, No.25, Lorong Hilir 1,                         Taman Gembira, 41100 Klang,                         Selangor, Malaysia.
Telephone: +60167533763 / +0162013762
FAX: +607 4332 888